Happy Birthday Melly

I don’t usually write birthday posts. But Melly is a sweeter girl than I, and always uses her blog to bestow birthday wishes upon her loved ones. Therefore I feel she is most deserving of her own happy birthday shout out, don’t you all agree?

Plus, a friend of my parents always talks about the importance of using significant events like birthdays to tell people how you feel about them. And she’s an anthropologist so I figure I should follow her advice about these things.

So let me wish Melly a happy birthday and tell you all why I love her.

Melly has a heart of gold. Pure gold. She remembers every birthday, every anniversary, every important event in the lives of people she cares for. And on all of those occasions she texts you or emails you or tweets you. It’s so very thoughtful and I love it.

Melly is super positive and very excitable. I love when we catch up because I always leave feeling as on top of the world as she is. This good energy oozes from her core. She’s one of those girls who lights up the room. She’s one of those girls who always makes you feel like she’s happy to see you (and most of the time, happy to see your husband too, hehe).

Melly is honest. She doesn’t bull shit. She says it like it is. This used to freak me out a bit. Now I’m inspired to be more like her.

Melly looks after my husband. When he turns up at her house late at night, drunk, seedy and sometimes noisy, she makes him up a bed and then cooks him breakfast the next day. She always sends me updates on his whereabouts so I don’t worry!

Melly is passionate. Probably one of the most passionate people I know. And passion is something that I love to see.  She throws herself into things, she gives all of herself to the people and things she likes. She doesn’t do anything half assed.

Melly is punctual and organised and tidy. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I value these kinds of thing! We’re similar in this way. We’re both also spiritual in the same way and I love the way she thinks.

But the thing I love the most of all about Melly is this. She’s content with herself and her life, but still challenges herself to be a better person, a fitter person, a kinder person. She’s always looking for ways to improve life. This is something I’ve come to realise makes me respect people and it’s something I find inspiring. She goes out and does stuff, she achieves things, crosses stuff of her ‘things to do in life list’. She lives big. She doesn’t talk about doing things, she just does it. I love this about her.

I think it’s good to make sure you have friends who are smarter than you, braver than you and generally better people than you. It’s these kind of people who challenge you and keep you on your toes. Melly does this for me.

Melissa Williams you are destined for grand, juicy things! Thanks for being one of my best friends and thanks for making the world a more glorious place!

4 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Melly

  1. Aw Neen…you are so sweet and really too kind! I am tearing up!
    Thankyou for my birthday wishes, I will be floating on cloud 99 today =D
    Love you right back xx

  2. Neen, I guess I must have stumbled upon your blog via Melly’s (and who knows how I stumbled upon hers). I’m not surprised that you two are friends, as you both seem like very interesting young women from Down Under. Happy [Belated] Birthday, Melly! –I hope your diet allows for birthday cake!

  3. I’m catching up on all my blog reading after being o/seas and have popped across from Tomas & Jones (really need to put your blog on my roll so I can just come straight over). I wanted to comment on this post because it really resonated with me in that I feel like usually as busy human beings we often forget to SAY all the wonderful things we feel about our family and friends, we just think them. Hope this is not too macabre an aside but as I was reading your post I thought to myself that you usually only hear beautiful things like this at funerals. You’ve done what everyone should be doing, telling our nearest and dearest how much they mean to us now. Your birthday post for your friend Melly (who’s blog I am now also enjoying thanks to yours) has inspired me to do so more often so thanks!

    Have a great weekend,

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